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Caltech Space Challenge 2019

California Institute of Technology / NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
Spring 2019


The Caltech Space Challenge brings 32 talented and highly-motivated students to the Caltech campus to participate in a week-long space mission design competition. The participants are split into two teams and work under the mentorship of experts from industry, NASA and academia to design their mission concept from scratch to final proposal.

The 2019 Challenge

The primary goal of the challenge is to assess whether Enceladus provides the conditions necessary to sustain biotic or pre-biotic chemistry. This is vital in determining the habitability of Enceladus and the possibility of finding life. Using data and insights gained from the Cassini Spacecraft, design a mission to explore the surface of the icy moon.

Mission Background

The primary goal of the challenge is to assess whether Enceladus provides the conditions necessary to sustain biotic or pre-biotic chemistry. This is vital in determining the habitability of Enceladus and the possibility of finding life. Using data and insights gained from the Cassini Spacecraft, design a mission to explore the surface of the icy moon.


The primary goal of the challenge is to assess whether Enceladus provides the conditions necessary to sustain biotic or pre-biotic chemistry. This is vital in determining the habitability of Enceladus and the possibility of finding life. Using data and insights gained from the Cassini Spacecraft, design a mission to explore the surface of the icy moon.


The orbiter is the vehicle designed to traverse the vast distances in space required to deliver the lander to Enceladus. It is equipped with it's own array of sensors and plays a crucial part in the mission as a whole.


Radio science investigation involves sending signals back to earth through and around Enceladus and its atmosphere to observe changes in the signal

Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator serves as the main power source of the spacecraft. The RTG uses radioactive material to generate electricity more reliably than solar panels would at that distance from the sun.

Ultraviolet imaging spectrometer and the optical + infrared imaging camera. Used to collect ultraviolet and infrared data from the surface of Enceladus.

RCS Thrusters
Reaction Control System used to orient the craft and perform minor course-correction maneuvers.

In-Orbit Magnetometer used to measure small changes in the magnetic field of Enceladus.

UHF Antenna
Ultra high frequency Communication Antenna used to communicate with earth and the lander.

Main Thrusters
Used for major course correction burns as well as orbital insertions.

IPRESS Trusses
Ice penetrating radar used to peer through the ice into the subsurface ocean of Enceladus.

Mass Spectrometer
High resolution mass spectrometer suite used for determining the chemical composition of atmospheric gases as well as surface features.

High-resolution mass spectrometer suite that measures the chemical composition of collected particles.

Grain impact analyzer and particle accumulator that uses aerogel blocks to capture material for study.

Distributed seismology and acoustic investigation probes designed to measure seismec waves throughout the ice sheets and triangulate the location of ice quakes.


Designed to collect data from the surface of Enceladus, the lander is equipped with a variety of sensors and equipment to gather the most information about the surface during its mission.

UHF Antenna
Ultra-high frequency antenna for transmitting data to the orbiter for relaying to earth.

Landing and Stabilizing Legs
High-strength, shock-absorbing legs designed to facilitate a safe and gentile landing on the surface as well as provide a stable platform for data collection.

Battery Banks
Provides adequate power for the lander to complete all mission objectives.

Propellant Tanks
Spherical pressurized storage tanks for RCS and main thruster propellant.

Lander environmental monitoring stations. These sensors detect moisture changes in the area directly surrounding the lander.

Landing Pads
Designed to have the maximum surface area to prevent the lander from sinking into the soft snow and ice top layer.

Enceladus visual analyzer. Camera system to aid in landing as well as record the descent.

Thruster Nozzles
Main thrusters that slow the lander to a controlled descent to the surface. 

AROMA-MOMA Mass-Spectrometer

The mass spectrometer aboard the lander is housed in an enclosed compartment with a collector door. Underneath is a rotating component housing aerogel blocks for sample collection and observation.


Three of these small probes are attached to the side of the lander. Their main purpose is to collect seismic data from the surface. Equipped with an antenna and heated sensor mast, the probes are able to anchor themselves into the surface to collect seismic data.

Extendable Anchor and Sensor Mast
Opposite the antenna mast, the anchor mast extends down into the ice using heating elements to slowly melt the ice. It provides a conduit for the sensors in the main body to collect data.

Extendable Communications Mast 
This mast is designed to extend above the powder snow layer of the surface to be able to transmit data to the lander.

Main Body
The core of the probe houses all of the sensors, heaters, and the battery. It is strengthened to withstand the impact of the descent from orbit.

Extendable Communications Mast Housing
This housing consists of two reels that extend and retract the antenna as well as the necessary connections to the sensors for data transmission.

Small Sensor Package
Configurable sensor suite for a variety of experiments.

Subminiature Geophone
The main seismic sensor in the probe designed to detect seismic waves radiating through the ice surface.

Designed to provide power to the sensors and heating element for the duration of the probe's mission life.

Shock Absorber
As the probe does not have any means of decelerating, a shock absorber is needed to cushion the fall from orbit to the surface. The shock absorber is made from a material that will crumple on impact to dissipate the impact forces. 

Immediately after landing, the anchor and sensor mast is deployed. Heating elements melt the hard ice as the mast extends deeper into the surface. 

Once fully extended, the mast is able to collect seismic data and anchor the probe. The antenna mast then extends to transmit the collected data.

Mission Timeline

From launch to end of mission, every aspect was carefully considered and planned to maximize the amount of science gained and minimize the cost.

Mid-Course Corrections
During the journey to Saturn, course correction burns will be needed to ensure a successful orbital transfer.

Arrival at Saturn
After a long journey from Earth, the spacecraft arrives at Saturn and begins preparations for an orbital injection into a stable orbit around the gas giant.

Using it's main thrusters, the spacecraft slows down enough to be captured by Saturn's gravity. This will be done through a series of "pump-down" orbits to gradually decrease velocity and use as little fuel as possible.

The vehicle used to start the spacecraft's journey to Enceladus is the SLS (Space Launch System).

Using a specific launch window to guarantee a successful Saturn rendezvous, the SLS carries the spacecraft to a parking orbit around the Earth.

For this mission, the upper stage to the SLS is the EUS (Exploration Upper Stage). This stage will inject the spacecraft into a Saturn interception orbit.

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